The John von Neumann Medal
Conferred at 14th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics,
the U.S. Association for Computational Mechanics, July 17-20, 2017, Montreal, Canada
the U.S. Association for Computational Mechanics, July 17-20, 2017, Montreal, Canada
The John von Neumann Medal is the highest award given by the USACM to honor individuals who have made outstanding, sustained contributions in the field of computational mechanics generally over periods representing substantial portions of their professional careers.
Professor JN Reddy received the 2017 John von Neumann Medal from the U.S. Association for Computational Mechanics at 14th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, July 17-20, 2017, Montreal, Canada, “for pioneering and sustained contributions on shear deformation and layerwise theories of composite structures, development of finite element method for solids, geophysical phenomena, incompressible fluids, and author of highly-cited books.”