Foreign Fellow,
Brazilian National Academy of Engineering
The National Academy of Engineering (ANE) is a non-profit association, with its headquarters and legal forum in the city of Rio de Janeiro. ANE recognizes that the country’s sovereignty, welfare and population security, rely crucially on a competent, innovative engineering, ethics and concerned about meeting the needs of all strata of society – in the light of the sustainability of civilization and second overall and long-term perspectives. Consequently, ANE puts up as an independent source of advice to government provision, society and industry – with this objective by promoting debates, the generation of ideas, policies and solutions related to large and complex engineering issues, science and technology. They are also important functions of ANE preservation of the national memory and engineering, through election to its Full Members frame, honor and recognize great talent of the profession by highlighting them as an example and inspiration for future generations.
Professor JN Reddy was elected to the Academia Nacional De Engenharia (ANE) of Brazil in November 2017.
O Dr. Reddy é Professor Distinguido e Regente e detém a cadeira Oscar S Wyatt de Engenharia Mecânica da Universidade do Texas A&M. É autor de 21 livros e de mais de 600 artigos em mecânica aplicada, nas áreas de análise linear e não linear pelo método dos elementos finitos, métodos variacionais e materiais compósitos. Ideias encontradas em seu desenvolvimento pioneiro em teorias de deformação por cisalhamento e em modelos de elementos finitos para escoamento de fluidos foram aplicadas em programas comerciais tais como ABAQUS, NISA e HyperXtrude. O Dr. Reddy detém inúmeras comendas, e é membro das Academias Nacionais de Engenharia dos EUA, do Canadá e da Índia.