The IACM Congress Medal
International Association of Computational Mechanics, 2022
The IACM Congress Medal (Newton-Gauss Medal) is the highest award given by IACM. It honors individuals who have made outstanding, sustained contributions in the field of computational mechanics over periods representing substantial portions of their professional careers. The medal is bronze and carries the images of Newton and Gauss in recognition of the synergy between mathematical modeling of physical events, mathematics, and numerical analysis that underpin much of the broad field of computational mechanics.
The nomination states:
“JN Reddy’s legacy as a researcher and educator in applied and computational mechanics will last many generations to come. His research on shear deformation theories, penalty finite element models of the flows of viscous incompressible fluids, and finite element models of generalized viscous fluids have been incorporated into commercial software packages ABAQUS, NISA and HyperXtrude, respectively. His research (which continues to this day) on higher-order shear deformation theories of plates and shells has paved the way for many researchers to publish extensions and applications, as attested by numerous papers titles which include his name (as the “Reddy higher-order theory”) and thousands of citations. In addition, he advanced least-squares finite element models of fluid flow, a paradigm shift from the conventional c0-finite elements based on weak-form Galerkin formulations of the Navier-Stokes equations. In recent years, he has pioneered nonlocal and non-classical continuum mechanics and applied to study damage and fracture in a variety of materials, including architected materials. Dr. Reddy is one of the selective first 100 researchers in engineering around world recognized by ISI Highly Cited Researchers. Over the past three decades, Dr. Reddy has written highly substantive, graduate level textbooks on applied and computational mechanics, many of which are adopted in class rooms and used as references by three generations of engineers and researchers worldwide. Some of the books are in their second, third, and fourth editions from well-known publishing houses of engineering books. …”
The IACM Congress Medal will be presented by the IACM Secretary General during the Opening Ceremony of 15th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XV). This ceremony is scheduled Monday August 1st, at 7:30am, Japanese time.
To see a related news [click here]
To see the acceptance speech on the occasion of receiving the Gauss-Newton Medal [click here]