Establishment of Reddy Endowed Chair at Texas A&M
an opportunity to honor Professor Reddy
(Donations are requested.)
Dr. Reddy’s research on shear deformation theories of composite laminates (which bear his name as the Reddy third-order theory and the Reddy layerwise theory), penalty finite element models of flows of viscous fluids, and finite element models of non-Newtonian fluids have been incorporated into commercial software packages ABAQUS, NISA and HyperXtrude (respectively).
He is a legend in mechanical engineering education and research. It is neither brilliance nor his standing in the academic community — though he could claim both — that made him a legend. It is his passion for teaching (in the broader sense of the word) and love for people and the knowledge that he deeply cares to transfer to others.
In honor of his distinguished career in teaching, research and selfless service to the mechanical engineering profession, the J. Mike Walker ‘66 Department of Mechanical Engineering would like to establish the J.N. Reddy Chair in Mechanical Engineering. This faculty endowment will encourage and reward those faculty members who embody the passion for, and commitment to, mechanical engineering education for which Dr. Reddy is well known.