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Honors and Awards
ICCES Lifetime Achievement Award
The JN Reddy Medal Recipients
Michael P. Païdoussis Medal
Leonardo da Vinci Award
Plenary Lecture “Teaching, Research, & Service: Passions of My Life”
The IACM Congress Medal
SEC Faculty Achievement Award Winner
Foreign Member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering
Honorary Member of the European Academy of Sciences
The Stephen P. Timoshenko Medal
Corresponding Member of the Royal Academy of Engineering of Spain
Establishment of Reddy Endowed Chair at Texas A&M
Ranked 13th in all of engineering and 5th in mechanical engineering in the world
The JN Reddy Medal
The Theodore von Karman Medal
The JS Rao Medal in Vibration Engineering
Foreign Fellow, Brazilian National Academy of Engineering
The John von Neumann Medal
Foreign Fellow, Canadian Academy of Engineering
ASME Medal
William Prager Medal
The Hall of Fame
Foreign Fellow, Indian National Academy of Engineering
Election to the US National Academy of Engineering
The IACM O.C. Zienkiewicz Award
Raymond D. Mindlin Medal
Computational Mechanics Award
ASME Honorary Member
Regents’ Professor
Honoris Causa, Honorary degree
Distinguished Achievement in Teaching Award
Distinguished Research Award of the Sigma Xi
Distinguished Research Award
Texas A&M Bush Excellence Award for Faculty in International Research
The USACM Computational Solid Mechanics Award
Excellence in the Field of Composites Award
Distinguished Achievement in Research Award
Highly Cited Researchers
Nathan M. Newmark Medal
University Distinguished Professor
Outstanding Educator Award
Melvin R. Lohmann Medal
Archie Higdon Distinguished Educator Award
Charles Russ Richards Memorial Award
Worcester Reed Warner Medal
The Oscar S Wyatt Jr. Endowed Chair
The Clifton C Garvin Endowed Professorship
The Alumni Research Award
Walter L. Huber Civil Engineering Research Prize
Outstanding Faculty Achievement in Research
Ralph R. Teetor Educational Award
JN Reddy Education
Professional Endowments
Professional Society Fellowship
Selective Distinguished Lectures Delivered
Professional Endowments
Fellowship Sponsored by Professor JN Reddy
Texas A&M University
University of Oklahoma