● Establishment of Reddy Endowed Chair at Texas A&M
● The Stephen P. Timoshenko Medal
● Ranked 13 in engineering worldwide

● The JN Reddy Medal in Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures
● The Theodore von Karman Medal
● The JS Rao Medal in Vibration Engineering

● Foreign Fellow, Brazilian National Academy of Engineering
● The John von Neumann Medal
● Foreign Fellow, Canadian Academy of Engineering

● The Hall of Fame
● Foreign Fellow, Indian National Academy of Engineering
● Election to the US National Academy of Engineering

● Texas A&M Bush Excellence Award for Faculty in International Research
● The USACM Computational Solid Mechanics Award

● Excellence in the Field of Composites Award
● Distinguished Achievement in Research Award
● Highly Cited Researchers
Ranked 13 in engineering worldwide
J.N. Reddy (http://mechanics.tamu.edu) of J. Mike Walker ’66 Department of Mechanical Engineering is ranked No. 13 in engineering of all fields. He is among top 0.015% of all six million scientists worldwide. He is listed in mechanical engineering and applied mathematics as subfields. [Read more …]
Establishment of Reddy Endowed Chair at Texas A&M
Dr. Reddy’s research on shear deformation theories of composite laminates (which bear his name as the Reddy third-order theory and the Reddy layerwise theory), penalty finite element models of flows of viscous fluids, and finite element models of non-Newtonian fluids have been incorporated into commercial software packages ABAQUS, NISA and HyperXtrude (respectively). [Read more …]
The JN Reddy Medal in Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures
Conferred at the First International Conference on Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures (ICMAMS), 18-20 July 2018, Torino, Italy
Professor JN Reddy received the JN Reddy Medal in Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures at the First International Conference on Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures (ICMAMS), 18-20 July 2018, Torino, Italy. [Read more …]
The Theodore von Karman Medal
Conferred at the Annual Conference of the Engineering Mechanics Institute, May 2018, MIT, Boston
This award was established and endowed in 1960 by the Engineering Mechanics Division(now Engineering Mechanics Institute) of the Society, with gifts presented by the many friends and admirers of Theodore von Karman. [Read more …]
The JS Rao Medal in Vibration Engineering
Conferred by The Vibration Institute of India, 2018
Foreign Fellow, Brazilian National Academy of Engineering
Elected to the Academia Nacional De Engenharia (ANE) of Brazil, November 2017
The National Academy of Engineering (ANE) is a non-profit association, with its headquarters and legal forum in the city of Rio de Janeiro. ANE recognizes that the country’s sovereignty, welfare and population security, rely crucially on a competent, innovative engineering, ethics and concerned about meeting the needs of all strata of society [Read more …]
The John von Neumann Medal
Conferred at 14th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics,the U.S. Association for Computational Mechanics, July 17-20, 2017, Montreal, Canada
The John von Neumann Medal is the highest award given by the USACM to honor individuals who have made outstanding, sustained contributions in the field of computational mechanics generally over periods representing substantial portions of their professional careers. [Read more …]
Foreign Fellow, Canadian Academy of Engineering
Eelected in the inaugural batch of foreign fellows, 26 June 2017
The Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE) comprises many of the country’s most accomplished engineers, who have expressed their dedication to the application of science and engineering principles in the interests of the country and its enterprises. [Read more …]
ASME Medal
Conferred at the Honors Assembly, 2016 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 13 November 2016, Phoenix, Arizona
Congratulation letter from the president of Texas A&M University
Congratulation letter from the president of Texas A&M University
ASME Medal, established in 1920, is the highest award that the Society can bestow and is to recognize “eminently distinguished engineering achievement.” Only one ASME Medal may be awarded annually. Although some individuals have been honored by both the ASME Medal and Honorary Membership, each award has been made on the basis of different accomplishments. [Read more …]
William Prager Medal
Conferred at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, University of Maryland, 2-5 October, 2016
William Prager Medal is in the form of a medal, bearing the likeness of the person for whom the award is named and a monetary award of $2000. The prize is awarded for outstanding research contributions in either theoretical or experimental Solid Mechanics or both. [Read more …]
The Hall of Fame
Conferred at College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology Oklahoma State University, 17 October 2015, Stillwater, Oklahoma
Election to the US National Academy of Engineering
Founded in 1964, the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) is a private, independent, nonprofit institution that provides engineering leadership in service to the nation. Election to National Academy of Engineering membership is one of the highest professional honors accorded an engineer. [Read more …]
The IACM O.C. Zienkiewicz Award
Conferred by The International Association for Computational Mechanics, July 2014, Barcelona, Spain
The IACM O.C. Zienkewicz Award is given in recognition of outstanding and sustained contributions to the broad field of computational mechanics. These contributions shall generally be in the form of important research results which significantly advance the understanding of theories and methods impacting computational mechanics, [Read more …]
Raymond D. Mindlin Medal
Conferred by American Society of Civil Engineers, 2014
This medal is named for Raymond D. Mindlin, who was a Professor at Columbia University and who is best known for pioneering contributions to applied mechanics. The medal was established by action of the Society on February 4, 2008. [Read more …]
Computational Mechanics Award
Conferred by Japanese Society of Mechanical Engineers(JSME), October 2012
ASME Honorary Member
Conferred by American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2011
Honorary Membership is awarded for a lifetime of service to engineering or related fields–e.g. science, research, public service. This achievement is described as “distinguished service that contributes significantly to the attainment of the goals of the engineering profession.” [Read more …]
Honoris Causa, Honorary degree
Conferred by Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal, Feb. 2009.
Distinguished Achievement in Teaching Award
Conferred by Association of Former Students, Texas A&M University, 2007
Distinguished Research Award of the Sigma Xi
Conferred by Texas A&M University, March 2005
Texas A&M Bush Excellence Award for Faculty in International Research
Conferred at Texas A&M University, 2003
The USACM Computational Solid Mechanics Award
Conferred by the US Association for Computational Mechanics, 2003
Excellence in the Field of Composites Award
Conferred by American Society for Composites, 2000
Distinguished Achievement in Research Award
Conferred by Association of Former Students, Texas A&M University, 2000
Nathan M. Newmark Medal
Conferred by American Society of Civil Engineers, 1998
This award was established by the Engineering Mechanics and Structural Institutes to honor Nathan M. Newmark for his outstanding contributions in structural engineering and mechanics. The funds for the award were contributed by the honoree’s former students in appreciation of the quality of education they received under this guidance at the University of Illinois. [Read more …]
University Distinguished Professor
Conferred by Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, 1998
Outstanding Educator Award
Conferred by The American Telugu Association, Detroit, July 1998
Melvin R. Lohmann Medal
Conferred by Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, 1997
The Melvin R. Lohmann Medal was established in 1991 to honor alumni of the College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology for contributions to the profession or education of engineers, architects or technologist that merit the highest recognition. [Read more …]
Archie Higdon Distinguished Educator Award
Conferred by Mechanics Division, American Society of Engineering Education, 1997
The Archie Higdon Distinguished Educator Award is awarded annually by the Mechanics Division for distinguished and outstanding contributions to engineering mechanics education. The award consists of an engraved plaque and paid registration for the ASEE Annual Conference and the Mechanics Division Banquet. [Read more …]
Charles Russ Richards Memorial Award
Conferred by The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1995
In 1944, the Charles Russ Richards Award was established as a joint award of Pi Tau Sigma and ASME to recognize the outstanding achievement in mechanical engineering by graduating 20 years or more. The Charles Russ Richards Memorial Award is presented to an engineering graduate who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in mechanical engineering twenty years or more following graduation with a baccalaureate degree. [Read more …]
Worcester Reed Warner Medal
Conferred by The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1992
The Worcester Reed Warner Medal is awarded to an individual for outstanding contribution to the permanent literature of engineering. Contributions may be single papers, treatises or books, or a series of papers. [Read more …]
The Oscar S Wyatt Jr. Endowed Chair
Conferred by Department of Mechanical Engineering Texas A&M University, College Station, 1992
Professor J.N. Reddy was appointed as the Oscar S Wyatt Jr Endowed Chair in 1992 in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Texas A&M University. [Read more …]
The Clifton C Garvin Endowed Professorship
Conferred by Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, 1985
Professor J.N. Reddy was appointed as the Clifton C Garvin Endowed Professor in 1985 in the Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia. [Read more …]
The Alumni Research Award
Conferred by Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia, 1985
Professor J.N. Reddy received the Alumni Research Award in 1985 from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia. [Read more …]
Walter L. Huber Civil Engineering Research Prize
Conferred by American Society of Civil Engineers, 1983
In July 1946, the Board of Direction authorized annual awards on recommendation by the Society’s Committee on Research to stimulate research in civil engineering. In October 1964, Mrs. Alberta Reed Huber endowed these prizes in honor of her husband, Walter L. Huber, Past President, ASCE. [Read more …]
Outstanding Faculty Achievement in Research
Professor J.N. Reddy received the Award in 1979 when he was an Associate Professor in the School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering at the University of Oklahoma, Norman [Read more …]
Ralph R. Teetor Educational Award
The SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) Teetor Program stimulates contacts between younger engineering educators and practicing engineers in industry and government. Reflecting the firm belief of its donor that engineering educators are the most effective link between engineering students and their future careers, the SAE Ralph R. [Read more …]